Rethinking how we really treat our body
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Have you ever said the following to yourself or heard others say it?
“I’ll treat myself and my body with pizza, ice cream, and a beer tonight.”
All that comes to my mind is: Why do people think they’re doing something good to their body when they eat fast food and drink alcohol? Obviously, it’s not beneficial for our health eating processed foods that are high in trans fat and sugar. Not to start about the detrimental effect of alcohol.
So here’s my proposal: What if we start rethinking what it really means to treat our body well?
What if we say:
“Tonight I’m going to treat myself with a delicious roasted aubergine, sweet potato curry followed by a yummy berry & toasted almond pot.”
This simple shift in our thinking about how we actually, truly treat our body well, will have a positive impact on our diet and in turn help us being on track with our goals. Eventually we’ll be thrilled to see the results we’ve been working for.
Don’t get me wrong: I am not saying that people shouldn’t have some fast food with a beer every once in a while. All I am saying is that we shouldn’t call it for what it isn’t. This is not a treat by any healthy means. So let’s be honest with ourselves: Who are we fooling by saying we treat our body with fast food and alcohol? If we’re really honest about this, we’re actually only lying to ourselves.